"Visa Signature" Shoot for "Gerrard De Thame Films"

Shot in Barcelona on the VFX Co's "Mini Rig", the commercial shows hero actors performing in a scene whilst the camera moves around them as the background transforms, seamlessly, from one venue to another.

With limited access at the locations, the 'Mini Rig' was the perfect choice due to its unique size and portability. The system consisted of Track, Pan, Tilt Focus and Zoom and needed to be assembled and re-assembled many times during the course of the 3 day shoot. All the camera set-ups had to be critically surveyed by the Motion Control crew to ensure exact background replication at the various locations.
Templates were made that fitted precisely to the rails that enabled the main props to be accurately realigned at each set-up.
When required, the software was able to record and store any moves that had been manually input by the live action crew. This gave the director complete freedom for using either programmed moves or manual ones. The selected takes could then be repeated for background and clean plate passes. This data was replicated for each corresponding situation wherever the rails were positioned.

The commercial was shot at 6 separate locations in April 2005 and utilised on set video compositing to ensure actor line up.

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